All the files are conveniently collected right here for your perusal. The icon works from our standards : the app is serious and make this conversation happen.This page contains the various files that are mentioned in my posts. Being a network consultant for high profile companies, I know well that some people may mix. Our human values are also to make things not to please people but to make (potentially) people think about themselves, specially their prejudices and beliefs.

Our values are highly effective and simple apps for both beginners and network professional. I specially like your review as this icon choice is filled of our values in our apps family (checkout our other apps icon, Debookee (outside App Store) and Debookee Tools (App Store), disclaimer : you may find the icon fun but maybe the app serious). For a serious app, it is a poor representation of its importance. My only criticism is the app's icon which makes it look like some kind of joke which has drawn a few negative comments when clients see it. It offers clear and concise information about the devices on your network (wifi and/or wired) and allows you to put notes against the relevant device to make identification easier. The need for clarity with network devices has become of greater focus in domestic enviornments where network security is usually a 'forgotten' issue. I have used LanScan for so long, I cannot remember my system being without it. Usually people will answer "No, it's not a judgement, but." Too late, it was named! Thanks again, enjoy LanScan, Thomas Let's simply name it to people who have some : "Oh I understand you have a *judgement* on this icon?". But more generally judgements in the world can be very harmful (ex: some people wearing funny clothes, hair style, etc. LanScan is just an app, judgements on it are not important. As the creator of this app, I personally think that it's an opportunity to debate on prejudices, judgements & static beliefs. not reviewing 1-star due just to the icon!) This icon indeed creates sometimes an interesting debate on *serious product* vs *unserious icon*. Hi Stevie, thanks for your feedback and your objectivity (ie. Having said that, I still give the App 5 stars for doing what it says it will. I find it hard to convince people that an App with a duck for an icon is a serious product!!! Please give us the option of another App icon.
→ The free trial only obfuscate results, but display them all : if a column is blank or empty, buying a Pro In-App feature won't make any new result appear. → Some hostnames, comments, TCP ports or IPv6 addresses might be obfuscated in free trial Restrictions in free trial version compared to Pro In-App Purchase: → Go in Help → In-App purchases for more details
→ Like IPv4, some features in free trial and full unobfuscation through an In-App Purchase → Displays Link-Local (private) and Global (public) IPv6 addresses.

→ No limitation on the number of devices found ! → Hostname resolution: DNS, mDNS (Apple devices) and SMB (Windows devices) → Discover the SMB domain if any configured
→ Display the IP address, MAC address, hostname (4 max) and vendor associated → Scan public IP network ranges with Ping / SMB / mDNS packets → Scan your local network with ARP packets → Scan the IP range you like, from 1 IP to the whole IPv4 address space! → Auto-detection of configured interfaces: Airport, Ethernet, Virtual interfaces. LanScan is a simple and efficient IPv4 & IPv6 network scanner that discovers all active devices on any subnet: the local one, or any public subnet that you configure.